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I am writing a blog after pretty long but I am happy to be back here. Hope you all are doing fine but wait actually not all would be. Many of you would be suffering from viral and bacterial disease in which the most annoying is the common cold as we can never do right while suffering with it. so, Here I am with my personal tips which I use to feel better. But these tips are just advised by my elders and some of them are from google. I will be writing about my personal experience as I always do. In case if you are suffering from violent cold, you should take doctor's advice.
Now, moving towards the tips.
Here is it...
You should drink as much as you can. This can include drinking water, juice, tea or any fluid. You can also try the chicken soup as it is scientifically proven that it helps to relieve cold.
This may be already familiar to you. Soothe your throat by gargling with salt water can temporarily soothe a sore throat. Use 1.5 to 2.5 ml (¼ to ½ teaspoon) of salt dissolved in 250 ml (1 cup) of water.
3. Make your surrounding humid.
We all usually applying moisturizer on our body as our skin feel so dry while suffering with cold. so, Why should not we use a humidifier to moisturize our room or surrounding.
You need a plenty of rest to get well soon. It will also prevent you to infecting others. After using humidifier or vaporizer, have a warm, comfortable sleep to prevent the symptoms.
5. Blow your nose.
Now, this is quiet weird but better than sniffling back the mucus to your head. The matter is that you need a proper technique otherwise it may hurt your ears. The best way to blow your nose: Press a finger over one nostril while you blow gently to clear the other. Wash your hands after blowing your nose.
6. Use a nasal spray.
Use nose drops to relieve nasal congestion. You can buy nose drops or make your own. To make a solution for nose drops, add 5 ml (1 teaspoon) of salt to 500 ml (2 cups) of water.
7. Treat you with honey.
Oh! honey suffering from cold and cough try some tablespoons of honey. This can help you to relieve your cough and cold.
8. Inhale steam.
Inhale some steam even you can mix some vix vapor rub in it. It will open your blocked nose.
So, These were some easy tricks. You can let me know the other tips that you know through your sweet comments.
With care,
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